RedDog Transformation—Go Digital. Be Human.

RedDog Transformation—Go Digital. Be Human.

Empowering Businesses with RedDog Transformation (RDT)


Delivering of the most human, confidentiality, knowledge sharing, and delivery focused digital transformations for the public sector, education industry and SMEs.


RDT clients experience transformative solutions centred on people.
Some areas of our offer among others:
- System Integration: Unifying disparate systems for cohesive operations.
- Data Utilisation: Turning data into strategic opportunities.
- Supply Chain Optimisation: Streamlining processes for efficiency.
- Digital Skills Development: Equipping teams with essential skills.

Some cases and industries:
- Professional Services: transforming meeting outcomes into valuable resources.
- District Councils: grappling with software glut, system silos, and cyber threats.
- Sales, Retail, Hospitality, Catering: delays, perishables, inefficiency.
- Education Sector: disjointed ICT, manual gaps, misalignment.


RDT's solutions extend beyond tech, focusing on developing tech awareness and prioritising people. This approach leads to an ecosystem where technology supports human potential, enhancing organisational capabilities.


1. Assessing clients' current challenges to define their digital transformation path.
2. Understanding each client's culture and objectives.
3. Developing a comprehensive ecosystem focused on people and technology awareness.
4. Tailoring projects or programmes to align with client goals.
5. Mobilising the necessary capabilities and resources.
6. Implementing bespoke solutions.
7. Offering ongoing support and follow-ups.
8. Identifying new projects until achieving the designed ecosystem.


Business Consultancy
Cur clients has seen measurable improvements with our Lean and Lean Six Sigma consultants and agile methodologies, recontextualised in digital transformation.

Technical skill
We offer the right skills for the right projects, whether is about full stack web development, software engineering, data engineering, AI implementation and maintanance, and many others.

Through our Network Capability Model, the businesses we collaborate with benefit from:

  1. The experience we get by working with each one of them.
  2. An ongoing and protocolled peer to peer exchange between RDT personnel, especially from different areas of expertise. This ensures that each RDT professional has a very high awareness of a broad range of areas, enhancing skills transferability.
  3. Constant brainstorming among RDT personnel on the current projects each one of them is dealing with. This enhances delivery speed and the production of insights.


    Connect with RDT to redefine your digital landscape with a people-first approach.
    RedDog Transformation: Go Digital. Be Human.

About The Author

Ernest Pozzoni

I describe myself as a system designer: I love the feeling to create self sustainable and thriving systems from scratch and with poor resources . This gaves me a sense of self accomplishment.
I fit this first because I'm a person of passion: without it I wouldn't have my engine.
Then, I love the sense of adventure: exploring unexplored territories, taking risks, and paving the path while I'm walking on it.
Also, I find the balance between planning and improvisation/adaptibility the perfect framework for my life.

Simply Beautiful.

I've been spending my days to gain knowledge from diverse disciplines, and taking out the most of each one of them to purse the desire to become more and more the best version of myself. Thus, my mindset along with my CV are the result of a system of a variety of transferable skills and approaches.

Technology and its sustainability are among my predominant interests. My starting point is Linux, as I've been using it since 2005: a journey which has been still teaching me the amazing power of sharing knowledge as an absolute enabler of technology advancement.
My passion has marked then my academic background:

  • BSc in International Business Management at ARU Cambridge.
  • MSc in Digital Transformation at University of Hull.
  • Bootcamp in Linux System and Network Administration, and Cloud Logistics Engineering at the Linux Foundation.
  • Certitifactions in VSAT engineering, Industry 4.0, Lean & Agile ways.

Now, I want to put my way to deliver amazing digital transformation services into my company, RedDog Transformation (RDT). I strongly believe that technology is amazing, but digital transformation is on another level. It is the creation of a real ecosystem where at the core there is not technology, but its awareness. It is not an enslavement to technology, rather an emancipation from it that unleashes your true human potential.