[Case Study] General Practice: Reducing Wait Times, Enhancing Patient Care. An RDT Initiative.

[Case Study] General Practice: Reducing Wait Times, Enhancing Patient Care. An RDT Initiative.
(Image Credit: DeepAI, an open source project)

In healthcare, where demands are ever-increasing and time is of the essence regardless of the country, RedDog Transformation (RDT) steps in with a visionary and human-centric approach to revolutionise patient care. Recognising the challenges faced by the National Health Service (NHS) in the UK, particularly in General Practice (GP) accessibility, RDT embarks on a journey to transform lives, underpinned by our unique Networking Capability Model (NCM).

A Pressing Problem

The NHS, a revered cornerstone of British healthcare, has been facing increasing patient demand and a growing ageing population, coupled with a shortage of medical professionals. While these challenges have put pressure on the system, resulting in longer waiting times, the NHS remains steadfast in its commitment to providing timely care to all. The COVID-19 pandemic, though testing the system's resilience, also presented an opportunity to innovate and explore safe and remote consultation options, paving the way for potential digital transformation

Unveiling the Solution

RDT's proposal-in association with University of Hull Online by University of Hull- is a twofold strategy, aiming to reduce waiting times and enhance service delivery.

The first layer presents patients with a choice of consultation methods–texting, phone calls, or face-to-face appointments–catering to varying preferences and levels of interaction.

The second layer introduces a game-changer: a prioritisation system driven by machine learning (ML). This innovative system prompts patients to provide reasons for their appointments upfront.

Abstraction of the solution. The Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP) is also included in the project.

However, RDT recognises that in the sensitive field of healthcare, ML must be approached with caution. That's why they prioritise human supervision during the training of AI models and ensure that gray areas remain, allowing for essential human expertise to intervene when needed.

Collaboration at its Core

At the heart of RDT's solution is their NCM, fostering collaboration not only between patients, nurses, and doctors but also among RDT personnel. By encouraging ongoing peer-to-peer exchanges and constant brainstorming, RDT enhances skill transferability and ensures a diverse range of expertise among their professionals. This collaborative culture is integral to their success.

High level process map of the proposed solution

Embracing GP Culture

RDT understands that effective transformation stems from a deep respect for the GP culture. By immersing ourselves in the values, unique characteristics, and organisational culture of GPs, we can provide tailored expertise that aligns seamlessly with their needs and priorities. This partnership approach ensures that our proposed solutions are shaped by the insights and experiences of those on the front lines of healthcare, resulting in a truly customised transformation journey.

Ethical Insights and Inclusivity

We acknowledge that digital solutions may not be for everyone, especially among the elderly. However, our research indicates a positive trend in smartphone usage among older adults, and the demographics of GP-registered patients support the feasibility of our proposal. Rest assured, traditional methods of direct interaction with nurse receptionists will always be available, ensuring inclusivity and accessibility for all patients.
Additionally, choosing models and the IT architecture that the AI operates on in line with the latest industry standards for transparency, confidentiality, and data protection ensures these criteria are met.

Machine Learning's Promise and Limitations

ML has the potential to revolutionise healthcare, and RDT believes it can play a pivotal role in their proposed solution. However, we are keenly aware that in the field of health, where lives are at stake, even minimal errors can have significant consequences. That's why human supervision and expertise remain at the core of our ML application. We prioritise the inclusion the areas where human intervention is necessary, ensuring that ML complements rather than overtakes the expertise of the GP professionals.

(Image Credit: DeepAI, an open source project)

A Transformational Journey

RDT's project for the NHS showcases their commitment to digital transformation and customer-led disruption, enhanced by their NCM. It highlights how innovative technologies, when combined with collaborative approaches and ethical considerations, can improve patient care and reduce waiting times. This proposal embodies RDT's passion for driving change and improving lives, always prioritising people at the heart of their endeavours.

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