Tekka Masala.

Tekka Masala.
A robot cooking beautiful Indian dishes. (Image credit: DeepAI, an open source project)

Picture digital transformation as a grand Indian banquet - yes, I am aware that tikka masala that inspired me for the title is actually British, but thanks anyway - filled with an array of diverse flavours and spices. Just like whipping up a perfect biryani needs a variety of ingredients and techniques, successful digital transformation too demands a blend of skills - strategic management, project management, and communication, to name a few.

Now, you might be asking, "Do I need to be a tech whiz to join this feast?" Well, not exactly, but it does help to know your turmeric from your tamarind!

Digital transformation is all about using technology to refine and speed up business processes. So, naturally, folks with an IT/ tech background or an integration of IT/tech knowledge into their background might be a bit like our experienced curry masters. Their expertise in tech could lend them a deeper understanding of how to stir up a successful digital transformation.

An example? Let's take marketing:

  • A marketer with no awareness of any IT/tech stuff needs an IT/tech consultant for a day to day deep coaching, plus the operation capabilities to make it real.
  • A marketer with some knowledge in data, privacy and platforms still needs consultations, but cheaper. And of course, the operation stuff still needs its capable hands.
  • A marketer with some high level tools in IT/tech needs an operation specialist to do the dirty job.
  • A marketer with coding skills for automation and knowledge in statistics/data analysis... well. Can start a business with almost null investment and an immediate high profit. Or be a reference for other people/departments in any organisation undertaking a digital transformation journey, acting as one of the knitting needles.
(Image credit: DC Comics)

Hey, did somebody just say "R"?

But hold on, does that mean people without a tech background are left holding the poppadoms? Not at all! Digital transformation isn't just about tech, it's about harnessing tech to enhance things. Just as in a kitchen, fresh ideas and new perspectives are always welcome. Even if you're not from a traditional IT/tech background, your unique insight could add that secret spice that takes the dish to another level.

Here's a bit of a puzzler: Can someone with IT/Tech experience have an edge in digital transformation over those who don't? There's no clear-cut answer to this. While having a tech background could be handy, it's definitely not the sole pathway to contribute positively to digital transformation. Like a well-balanced curry, it's the mix of different skills and experiences that really counts.

(Image credit: Stable Diffusion, an open source project by Stability AI)

Which brings us to the magic ingredient of successful digital transformation: Diversity. Just like a successful Indian potluck relies on everyone bringing their own unique dish, a team with a mix of skills, backgrounds, and experiences can be a powerhouse of innovation. The idea of a single "Digital Transformation Guru" seems a bit old hat, wouldn't you agree?

So, the takeaway? Don't shy away from the digital transformation banquet just because you're not a tech expert. Bring your unique skills to the table and be ready to collaborate with others. Who knows, your contribution might just be the final sprinkle of garam masala that completes the digital transformation curry!