Unleashing our human potential

Unleashing our human potential
(Image Credit: Sable Diffusion, an open source project by Stability AI)

A quick insight.

Digital Transformation is often misunderstood as it was about humans functionally bound to technology: writing operational documents, managing databases, produce data and data visualisations - and everything around the data world, accountancy...
Nevertheless, I believe it is the opposite: digital transformation does enable humans to unleash their human nature. At least, in the big vision.

With a deeper look, that perspective looks to be aligned with the Lean Principles.

Let me explain.

An analysis of the 8 Muda Wastes reveals that a status when humans are subject to technology routine tasks instead of being free from them, is actual waste.
An quick clue:

  • Over-processing
    It occurs when humans spend excessive time and effort on tasks that technology could easily perform.

  • Waiting waste
    It arises when humans are idle, waiting for technology to complete tasks.

  • Non-utilised talent
    It represents the underutilisation of human skills, as people are engaged in tasks better suited for technology.

(Image Credit: Sable Diffusion, an open source project by Stability AI)

From an ideal perspective, technology automation via machine learning and AI are the better candidates to achieve the point where humans are entirely free to put on the table their "being humans": creativity, brainstorming, producing new ideas - the basis for any innovation. But also networking, human relationships, impacting the organisation with each individual unique personality, getting and offering opportunities, caring about other.
And so forth.

Nevertheless, I recognise that a certain maturity level is one of the main requirements for AI and machine learning to be effectively reliably productive, something not all organisations have.

A deeper investigation through the 7+1 Lean Muda waste is the core of any development of this insight.